Our friends from Highveld Hikers asked me to set up an abseil for them. Since it was very close to our home, it was decided to go to Buffalo Gorge, about 20kms north of Middelburg. We've camped and hiked here before (neither of which are to be particularly recommended) but they do have a semi-decent abseil spot allowing for a good 45 metre descent.
Early on Saturday morning, Nicola and I drove out to Buffalo Gorge. It was overcast and cool and the forecast predicted rain for later in the day. We did some birding along the way and were excited about a pair of Temminck's coursers seen running ahead of the car. The track to get to the campsite wasn't particularly good so we ended up being a few minutes late but were happily greeted by Shirley, Eddie and Laurence. As they were ready to go, we packed all the gear in the Xtrail and set off. Just outside the gate we met the owner (Ryk) who explained where to go and what to do. The track to the mountain top was not good at all so we had to take it very slow. Close to the parking spot we exploded out of the car when the car flushed two Harlequin quails. A third one flushed as well as we approached the landing spot of the first two birds but we did not chase them any further. Shortly we parked the car and walked to the cliff edge. Unfortunately it was obviously not the right spot to abseil so we ended up wasting almost an hour. The map we received from Ryk had more than one map version and this, together with the text and his earlier explanation were completely contradictory. But eventually we found the right spot and I proceeded to set up the abseil. Neither Nicola nor I fancied the walk back to the top so we decided not to abseil ourselves. While I guided Shirley, Eddie and Laurence down, Nicola recorded birds we saw and heard - these included Orange-breasted and Grey-headed bushshrikes, Red-winged starlings, Mocking cliff-chat, Alpine and White-rumped swifts, Cinnamon-breasted bunting and Black-crowned tchagra. While we waited for the group to walk back to the top, the wind picked up and by the time they were back, it was blowing quite hard and cold. We decided to only do one more abseil for Shirley and Laurence and then pack up. After their return we quickly walked back to the car and drove back to the camp. We made it just in time - just as we started eating lunch it started raining. Not wanting to get stuck in mud, Nicola and I left shortly afterwards and returned home.
Checking Shirley before she goes over the edge |
Shirley on her way |
Not looking down |
Cloudy view over the Selons river valley |
Getting Laurence ready to go |
Laurence over the edge |
Strapping Eddie in tightly |
Eddie on his way |
A number of Middelburg Bird Club members met on Sunday morning on the edge of town to drive in convoy to Herman and Louise's farm, about 20kms north of Loskop dam. It was a beautifully clear day so we regretted somewhat only leaving around 06:30 and arriving at the farm at 07:30. While some people wanted to have some snacks and coffee first, Nicola and I immediately started birding and quickly added Southern black tit, African paradise flycatcher, Red-chested, Diederik and Levaillant's cuckoos, African green pigeon, Spectacled weaver, Red-faced mousebird and several others. Half an hour later we all started walking up a jeep track towards their tented camp and had some good birds along the way including White-crested helmetshrike, Willow warbler, Chinspot batis and Black cuckooshrike. Back at the farm house before 10am, some people went for a drive to the top of the ridge for a nice view towards Groblersdal. The rest of us tended the braai fire and watched a Southern black tit raid the African paradise flycatcher's nest, seemingly eating the day-old chicks. When the other returned from their drive we socialized while pot-bread was cooking at the fire. After lunch there was an outbreak of termites after yesterday's rain and this attracted hordes of Red-billed queleas, Barn swallows, European bee-eaters, White-rumped and Little swifts. Around 2pm people started packing up and by 3pm we were back at home.
Male Black cuckooshrike |
Cut-throat finch and Dusky indigobird |
Cape white-eyes |
Southern black tit attacking African paradise flycatcher hatchling |
MotherAfrican paradise flycatcher back on the nest |
It was a very enjoyable weekend meeting up with friends we haven't seen in a while and enjoying some great birding and just being outside!
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